The magicLAMP workspace has a built in command line application to assist you in exposing ports, editing config files, and much more.

Checking for updates

You can check to see if there is an update for magicLAMP by running the following commnad.

magiclamp update-check

Exposing ports

Sometimes you may need to expose a port from a magicLAMP container to your host.

You can expose any port from any magicLAMP container to your host by running the following command.

magiclamp expose <port> <container>

If no container is specified, the port will be exposed from the workspace.

For example, if you need to expose port 3000 from the workspace to your host. You can run the following commnad:

magiclamp expose 3000

Or if you need to expose port 9000 from your PHP 7.4 container, you can run the following commnad:

magiclamp expose 9000 php74

Editing container files

Sometimes you may want to modify the configuration files for the services that run in the magicLAMP container.

You can do this by running the following command:

magiclamp edit <container> <file>

For example, if you need to edit the php.ini file in the PHP 7.4 container, you can run the following command:

magiclamp edit php74 /etc/php/php.ini

Running commands in magicLAMP containers

If you need to run a command in a magicLAMP container, you can do so by running the following command:

magiclamp run <container> "<command>"

For example, if you need to see the PHP configuration in the PHP 7.4 container, you can run the following command:

magiclamp run php74 "php -i"

Shell into magicLAMP containers

If you need to access the shell for a magicLAMP container, you can do so by running:

magiclamp shell <container>

This can be useful if you need to debug something that is running in a magicLAMP container.